Problem 4: (*For some reason, this one did my head in and I may have over complicated it…)
- (Input) List of available reservations times. Store in variable called ResTimes
- (Input )If landing in Courteney, add 20 minutes to travel time to Atlas. Store in variable called earliestArrival
- (Compare) earliestArrival with available Res times
- (Decision:) Book Next available time after earliestArrival
- (Decision:) Take Taxi
- (Input)If landing at Smitts field, add 45 minutes to travel time to arrive at Atlas.
- (Calculate) earliest arrival based on travel time.
- (Compare) earliestArival to ResTime
- (Decision) Book next available ResTime
- Decision) Take Loaner Car
Hmm, yeah, this one doesn’t quite work.
Here is my version: