Unmoderated Testing
Of the three methods of testing–card sorting, tree testing, and first click testing, I chose first click testing to test my app. While card sorting and tree testing test the ease of navigation/information architecture, and “first click testing” tests the useability and ease of navigation more broadly. First click testing shows you how easy it is for a user to complete the desired task by showing you whether they clicked the right area the first time and how long it took to find it, where they clicked instead, and how long it took them to complete the task. If the user clicked somewhere other than the intended target, this can give you an excellent idea of where there might be a confusing or ambiguous aspect of your user interface.
First click testing can give you valuable insight into how to make your product more user friendly by using the data to help you choose the most appropriate language and placement for content, buttons, labels, icons, menus, etc. Knowing where the user clicked first, and how long it took them to complete their task, would tell me whether or not I needed to change the wording or labeling of links, or change the placement on the screen, size, and location (which page) the link, button, or content should appear on.
Because first click tests can be run in the early stages via wireframes, mockups, screenshots, and prototypes, it can be used throughout the design process to further streamline the useability of the app during all stages of the design process, making it a highly useful tool in the iterative process.
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